
时间:2023年05月15日 阅读: 61
The Classic Crime的《5805》 歌词 歌曲名:5805歌手:The Classic Crime专辑:The Silver CordThe Classic Crime - 5805Fr...

The Classic Crime的《5805》 歌词


歌手:The Classic Crime

专辑:The Silver Cord

The Classic Crime - 5805


i will keep you like trophies in my heart,

to remember how loneliness was a faded dream,

on 219th street.

We were more than just young, we were full of it.

And no-one could touch us, or take us in.

Watching the sunset from the roof,

we planned our next adventure.

I was nineteen and young,

thought I had it all figured out.

The world was our oyster,

and we dove in to get the pearl out.

Now we are swimming in no more reefs

How we wish we could go back

I've got a sneaking suspision,

(?) only favors convention,

but i'm not one to complain,

when it's all i dream of.

We were more than just useless and stupid kids,

Music had moved us, we shook our fists

as we sang along, at the top of our lungs

Now we are swimming in no more reefs

How we wish we could go back

We hold the hopes that someday we'll see the world again.

Like that, like that, like that,

Now we are swimming in no more reefs

How we wish we could go back

We hold the hopes that someday we'll see the world again.

Like that, like that,

Oh, like that, like that.





5805公斤 = 5805千克 = 5.805吨


英特尔第13代酷睿i5-5805H处理器是一款余橘中高端的移动处理器,采用10nm工艺制程,由四核八线程构成,主频为2.0 GHz,最大睿频可以达到竖辩团4.0 GHz,支持Intel Turbo Boost技术。它的集成显卡是Intel Iris Xe Graphics,主频可以达到1.3 GHz。



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